It's all Pope Francis' fault (or merit). Those who fiercely criticize the Synodal Path that the Catholic Church in Germany embarked upon in 2019 -- and even those who enthusiastically support it -- cannot deny that the Jesuit pope is responsible.
The only reason the Germans have been able to spend the past three years discussing carefully-argued proposals for major Church reforms -- hardly any that are deemed acceptable by the vast majority of officials in the Vatican — is because Francis has allowed them to do so. It's something Benedict XVI and John Paul II would have never even considered or tolerated. That should be clear to everyone.
It doesn't matter if one agrees with what the Germans are proposing — which include the option for priests to marry; the inclusion of women at all levels ecclesial governance and ministry; and a comprehensive review and reformulation of the Church's teaching on human sexuality, to name just the most salient points.
Whether one supports such changes or not, makes little difference. The horse has already bolted.
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