Catholics for a Changing Church

Keeping Children and Vulnerable Adults Safe – Insights from the Vatican

 The Catholic Union's annual Craigmyle Lecture delivered by Baroness Hollins. 28 November 2022

Transcript available on Catholic Union website

The women fighting to be priests

 From the BBC

There are over a billion Catholics around the world. Women have always played a significant role in the life of the Church - but have been excluded from the Catholic hierarchy.

A number of devotees say they feel called upon to serve God as priests, but the Vatican has never allowed female ordination to priesthood. Now, there's a growing movement to change this.

Over 200 women have chosen to take part in secret ordination services, despite knowing they will be excommunicated from the Church. BBC 100 Women follows two women who have been unofficially ordained in the US and Colombia. Is there a future for women priests? And can this change happen in our lifetime?

More from BBC 100 Women here:

Produced by: Valeria Perasso and Georgina Pearce
Filmed by: Andrew Blum, Sergio Villa Díaz, Tom Goudsmit, Andrés Giraldo Velásquez and Will Nail
Sound by: Edwin Londoño Serna
Edited by: Álvaro Álvarez and Lucy Hennequin
Executive Producer: Claire Williams.
Commissioning editor: Liz Gibbons
Twitter: Facebook:

See BBC article


What am I living for? by Timothy Radcliffe OP

 The search for meaning: Life, death and friendship

In this lecture Timothy Radcliffe looks at life and mortality and the way that the gift and grace of friendship brings meaning to all we have lived through, hope for our future and upholds who we are now.


Timothy Radcliffe was Master of The Dominican Order. He is the winner of the 2007 Michael Ramsey prize for theological writing for his book What is the Point of Being a Christian? He was also the author of The Archbishop of Canterbury's 2009 Lent Book Why Go to Church? He lives in Oxford where he is a member of the community at Blackfriars, but spends much of his year giving retreats, lectures and conference keynote addresses in the UK and overseas. His other bestselling books include What’s The Point of Being a Christian, Take the Plunge, I Call You Friends and Alive in God.  A man of deep faith and spiritual insight, Timothy has written honestly about his own brush with death and dependency after a major operation.

The Advent Lectionary

 What Good News offers this talk by Fr Adrian Graffy

For text of the talk and information about 'O' Antiphons please click here

Making the most of the Mass

The Pastoral Ministry Office for the diocese of Northampton organised an evening on 14 November 2022 with a special guest.   They introduce it thus:

Do you sometimes wish you knew more about the Mass, or could help others go deeper in faith? Whether you are a reader, Eucharistic minister, music minister, children’s liturgy leader, or someone who would love to know more, this is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the Mass with renowned liturgist and speaker Fr Paul Turner.